Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2016. Economic recovery in the Caribbean: the dichotomy of the goods and services economies

| Publication

Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2016. Economic recovery in the Caribbean: the dichotomy of the goods and services economies

  • Author:


    Alleyne, Dillon -
    Hendrickson, Michael -
    McLean, Sheldon -
    Doorgadeen, Roberta -
    Pantin, Machel -
    Skerrette, Nyasha -

  • Physical Description: 60 páginas.
  • Publisher: ECLAC
  • UN Symbol (Signature): LC/CAR/L.507
  • Date: February 1, 2017

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Low commodity prices in the Caribbean region have negatively impacted the economic growth of commodity exporting economies. Growth among the service producers averaged 1.6 per cent in 2015 but is projected at 2.5 per cent by year end in 2016. The region also struggles with high unemployment of 15.2 per cent in 2015.

Table of contents

  • Abstract
  • I. Subregional analysis and performance
  • II. Country briefs. Bahamas. Barbados. Belize. Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) . Guyana. Jamaica. Suriname. Trinidad and Tobago.