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CEPAL Review no. 118

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CEPAL Review no. 118

Physical Description: 240 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: April 2016 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2676-P ISSN: 0251-2920 ISBN: 9789211219159

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Table of contents

CEPAL Review marks its fortieth anniversary .-- Raúl Prebisch and economic dynamics: cyclical growth
and centre-periphery interaction / Esteban Pérez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo .-- Inequality in Latin America: a global measurement / Verónica Amarante, Marco Galván and Xavier Mancero .-- Foreign direct investment and income inequality in Latin America: a sectoral analysis / Macarena Suanes .-- The use of key indicators to assess Latin America’s long-term economic performance / Stefanie Garry and Francisco G. Villarreal .-- Does the contribution made by early education to later academic achievement differ in Latin America?: pisa 2009-2012 / Luis Fernando Gamboa and Natalia Krüger .-- South-South trade and South-North trade: which contributes more to development in Asia and South America? Insights from estimating
income elasticities of import demand / Thomas Bernhardt .-- A multidimensional time use and well-being index: a proposal for Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay / Evelyn Benvin, Elizabeth Rivera and Varinia Tromben .-- Intersectoral flows of technological knowledge in emerging countries: an input-output analysis /
Eduardo Gonçalves and Amir Borges Ferreira Neto .-- The business cycle and copper mining in Chile /
Fernando Fuentes and Carlos J. García .-- Beyond capital controls: regulation of foreign currency derivatives markets in the Republic of Korea and Brazil after the global financial crisis / Daniela Magalhães Prates and Barbara Fritz .-- Agricultural productivity: closing the gap between Brazil and the United States / José Eustáquio Ribeiro Vieira Filho and Armando Fornazier .-- Community, connectivity and the regional movement in Patagonia: the evolution of social capital in the Aysén Region of Chile / John W. Durston, José Manuel Gaete and Miguel Pérez.