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América Latina: proyecciones de población, 1970-2050 = Latin America: population projection, 1970-2050

Publication cover

América Latina: proyecciones de población, 1970-2050 = Latin America: population projection, 1970-2050

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL. CELADE Physical Description: 158 páginas. Editorial: CELADE Date: July 1998


The present issue, like the one that appeared 30 years ago, is devoted to population estimates and projections by sex and age group for the 20 countries of Latin America; in this case however, the period from 1970 up to 2050 is covered. For 1970-1995, estimates are presented for the historical period based, in most cases, on an evaluation of figures obtained from censuses, registers of vital statistics and specialized surveys. The used of 1970 as a starting date also constitutes a departure from previous Bulletins, which information presented for 1950 onward. Starting from 1995, the data are projections based on hypotheses
with respect to future changes in fertility, mortality and international migration