This report proposes a framework for locating, collecting, creating, sharing and applying information and
knowledge (from within and outside the subregion) for development purposes in the Caribbean subregion.
The framework emphasizes the importance of protecting and tapping into the rich cultural heritage and
traditional knowledge of the Caribbean to support its development.
This knowledge management for development framework, advanced by ECLAC, is proposed for
consideration in the design and implementation of both national policies and strategies, and communitylevel
projects to support the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the overall
sustainable development of the Caribbean subregion.
It considers six main elements, namely inputs, processes and tools, outputs, pillars (on which all
the above are built on), the environment or context in which this, like any other scheme, operates and the
monitoring and evaluation of knowledge management initiatives. The approach draws from examples of
models, frameworks and initiatives developed worldwide, with particular emphasis on those from Latin
America and the Caribbean.