CEPAL Review no.44

| Publication

CEPAL Review no.44

Physical Description: 178 páginas.

Publisher: ECLAC

UN Symbol (Signatura): LC/G.1667-P


August 1, 1991

ISBN: 9211211700

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Table of contents

  • Industrial restructuring, trade liberalization and the role of the State in Central America / Larry Willmore and Jorge Máttar. -- The prospect for equity / Marshall Wolfe. -- The social actors and structural adjustment / Eugenio Tironi and Ricardo A. Lagos. -- Selectivity as the crux of social policies / Percy Rodriguez Noboa. -- Latin America’s return to the private international capital market / Peter J. West. -- Debt/equity conversion / Michael Mortimore. -- Options for Latin American reactivation in the 1990s / Colin I. Bradford, Jr. -- Productivity: agriculture compared with the economy at large / Gerardo Fujii. -- Scenarios for the new era / Ernesto Ottone. -- Industrial and urban pollution; policy options / Hernán Durán de la Fuente. -- International insertion and institutional renewal / Fernando Fajnzylber.