CEPAL Review no.46
CEPAL Review no.46
Table of contents
In memory of Fernando Fajnzylber / Gert Rosenthal, Executive Secretary, ECLAC. -- Latin America and the internationalization of the world economy / Mikio Kuwayama. -- Privatizing and rolling back the Latin American State / David Félix. -- State-owned enterprise reform in Latin America / Antonio Martin del Campo and Donald R. Winkler. -- The Central American entrepreneur as economic and social actor / Andrés Pérez. -- Why are men so irresponsible? / Rubén Kaztman. -- Erroneous theses on youth in the 1990s / John Durston. -- Decentralization and equity / Sergio Roister. -- Reorientation of Central American integration / Rómulo Caballeros. -- MERCOSUR and the new circumstances for its integration / Mónica Hirst. -- International industrial linkages and export development: the case of Chile / Alejandra Mizala. -- The ideas of Prebisch / Ronald Sprout.