CEPAL Review no.53

| Publication

CEPAL Review no.53

- Physical description: 189 páginas.
- Publisher: ECLAC
- UN symbol (Signature): LC/G.1832-P
- Date: August 1, 1994
- ISBN: 9213214006

Table of contents

  • Latin America and the Caribbean and the world economy / Gert Rosenthal. -- Foreign capital inflows and macroeconomic policies / Andras Uthoff and Daniel Titelman. -- Financial repression and the Latin American finance pattern / Marcos Antonio Macedo Cintra. -- Policies for competitiveness / Wilson Peres. -- Industrial policy and promotion of competitiveness / Osvaldo Rosales. -- Open regionalism and economic integration / Juan A. Fuentes K. -- Changes in the urban female labour market / Irma Arriagada. -- Water management and river basins in Latin America / Axel Dourojeanni. -- Public policies and the competitiveness of agricultural exports / Milton von Hesse. -- Agroindustry and changing production patterns in small-scale agriculture / Alejandro Schejtman. -- National private groups in Mexico, 1987-1993 / Celso Garrido. -- China’s economic reform and opening to the world: a retrospective and prospective view / Li Cong.