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CEPAL Review no.70

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CEPAL Review no.70

Physical Description: 206 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: April 2000 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2095-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9211212901

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Table of contents

Brazil: options for the future / Celso Furtado. -- Major macroeconomic disturbances, expectations and poiicy responses / Daniel Heymann. -- Automatic fiscal stabilizers / Ricardo Mariner. -- Financial openness: the experience of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico / Maria Cristina Penido de Freitas and Daniela Magalhaes Prates. -- The Spanish banks’ strategies in Latin America / Alvaro Calderón and Ramón Casilda. -- Hirschman’s view of development, or the art of trespassing and self-subversion / Javier Santiso. -- Prevention or repression? The false dilemma of citizen security / Irma Arriagada and Lorena Godoy. -- How domestic violence came to be viewed as a public issue and policy object / Kathya Araujo, Virginia Guzmdn and Amalia Mauro. -- Options for rural poverty reduction in Latin America and the Carribbean / Rubén G. Echeverría. -- Equity in education in El Salvador / Alvaro Carrasco Guzmán.