CEPAL Review no.90
CEPAL Review no.90
Table of contents
Economic paradigms and the role of the State in Latin America / Enrique V. Iglesias. -- Angel or Demon? China’s Trade Im pact on Latin American countries /Jorge Blázqaez-Lidoy, Javier Rodriguez, Javier Santiso. -- Trade and infrastructure in the Andean Community / Gina E. Acosta Rojas, Germán Calfat and Renato G. Flores Jr.-- Fiscal policy and the commodities boom: the im pact of higher prices for non-renewables in Latin America and the Caribbean / Jaan Pablo Jiménez and Varinia Tromben. -- Fiscal policy and social protection / Eduardo Aldwiate and Ricardo Mariner. -- Social capital and participatory m anagem ent in the Pátzcuaro basin. -- John Darston and Eduardo López
Associational life and local development in two Nicaraguan villages / Nadia Motenaers. -- W age rigidity in Chile / Andrés Marinakis. -- The expansion model of the major Chilean retail chains / Alvaro Calderón Hoffmann. -- Earning inequalities in Brazil: quantile regressions and the decomposition approach / Sandro Eduardo Monsueto, Ana Flávia M achado and André Braz Golgher. -- Guidelines for contributors to the CEPAL Review. -- CEPAL Review on the Internet. -- Recent ECLAC publications.