Commercial bank financing for micro-enterprises and smes in Mexico / Ramón Padilla-Pérez and Rodrigo Fenton Ontañon
A modelling framework for assessing the economic impact of climate change in the Caribbean / Roberto Roson
Inequality in education in Costa Rica: The gap between students in public and private schools. An analysis of the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (pisa) / Andrés Fernández A. and Roberto Del Valle A.
Motherhood wage penalties and labour market segmentation: Evidence from Argentina / María del Pilar Casal and Bradford L. Barham
Gender differences in workplace choices under crisis conditions / Lilia Domínguez V. and Flor Brown G.
The structural heterogeneity of family farming in Brazil / José Eustáquio Ribeiro Vieira Filho
Chile: Port congestion and efficient rationing in cargo transfer operations / Claudio A. Agostini and Eduardo H. Saavedra
The performance of transnational corporations: Evidence for the manufacturing industry in Chile / Sebastián Vergara M.
An assessment of the dynamics between the permanent and transitory components of Mexico’s output and unemployment / Alejandro Islas C. and Willy W. Cortez
An empirical analysis of technology absorption capacity of the Brazilian industry / Pablo Felipe Bittencourt and Ricardo Giglio
cepal Review referees 2012 and January-August 2013