CEPAL Review no.112
CEPAL Review no.112
Table of contents
A regional reserve fund for Latin America / Daniel Titelman, Cecilia Vera, Pablo Carvallo and Esteban Pérez Caldentey. -- A proposal for a modified Human Development Index / María Andreina Salas-Bourgoin. -- From the classroom to the workplace: Three decades of evidence for Latin America / Mariana Viollaz. -- Jamaica: Employer size and worker remuneration in the private sector/ Allister Mounsey. -- Wage differentials between the public and private sectors in Chile: Evidence from longitudinal data / Lucas Navarro and Javiera Selman. -- Income inequality in Brazil: What has changed in recent years? / Helder Ferreira de Mendonça and Diogo Martins Esteves. -- Deprivation viewed from a multidimensional perspective:The case of Brazil / Ana Flavia Machado, Andre Braz Golgherand Mariangela Furlan Antigo. -- The impacts on family consumption of the Bolsa Família subsidy programme / Marcela Nogueira Ferrario. -- The international asparagus business in Peru / Jaime de Pablo, Miguel Ángel Giacinti, Valentín Tassile and Luisa Fernanda Saavedra. -- The forestry and cellulose sector in the Province of Concepción, Chile: Production linkages between the Secano Interior and industry in Greater Concepción, or an enclave economy? / Gonzalo Falabella and Francisco Gatica.