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ICT and Agriculture
ICT and Agriculture
- Publication corporate author (Institutional author): NU. CEPAL
- Physical Description: 12 páginas.
- Publisher: ECLAC
- Date: March 1, 2012
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Table of contents
- Building a regional future
Marcelo Bosch
- ICTs as a tool for overcoming asymmetries
in Latin American agriculture
Mônica Rodrigues
- “The impact of ICTs on agriculture is huge”,
interview with Raúl Hopkins
- Priorities and policies for ICT use
in the Bolivian agricultural sector
Víctor Vásquez Mamani
- “To strengthen the impact of ICTs on
public institutions, the end user must
be established as the central objective”,
interview with Hugo Chavarría
- “ICT development must be focused on
the small producer”, interview with Blas Espinel
- “Our experiences can
be replicated in the region”,
interview with Francine Brossard