CONTENTS I.Notes on NAFTA’s Environmental Implications II. US-Mexican transboundary water issues: public and private sector entities participate in round tableIII.Colloquium on Regulatory Expropriations in International LawIV. Great Lakes: Donors pledge US $140 million for Nile basin projects, 29 June 2001V. Toronto newspaper concerned about U.S. interest in Canadian water VI. Debate on piping Canadian water to the American SouthwestVII. Mexican water debt coming due VIII.India: Water release into Pakistan rivers IX. UK Water Industry Says: 'Climate Change Threat Urgent' X. EU plans for liberalising world trade could make it illegal for governments to introduce stringent regulations on protecting the environment XI. French Water Law to Extend Polluter-Pays Principle to Agriculture XII.The global water crisis and the commodification of the world's water supplyXIII.NAFTA's Powerful Little SecretXIV.International initiative on shared aquifersThestatements and opinions reported in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or official positions of the United Nations, and are to be exclusively attributed to authors, organizations and media quoted or summarized in the Newsletter. The editor encourages contributions of news items for an exchange of information with interested readers. All correspondence should be addressed to: Director, Natural Resources and Infrastructure DivisionEconomic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)Casilla de Correo 179-D, Santiago, ChileFax: (56-2) 208-02 52E-mail: with copy to