White book of e-government interoperability for Latin America and the Caribbean: version 3.0
Publication corporate author (Institutional author):
Publication corporate author:
Comisión Europea
Physical Description: 37 páginas.
Publisher: ECLAC
UN Symbol (Signatura): LC/R.2143/REV.1
February 1, 2008
The White Paper draws on interoperability experience and projects in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago, which provided the basis for the architecture of the Latin America and Caribbean interoperability platform designed by ECLC.1 The European Union's experience with interoperability —in the form of studies, practices and agreements that are potentially useful to the Latin American and Caribbean countries as they discuss interoperability— has also been instructive.The Paper provides definitions to serve as a framework for discussion, and as a starting point for exploring solutions to organisational, semantic, technical and governance issues that must be addressed to secure an efficient exchange of information between the countries. These definitions are the foundation for an interoperability architecture designed to implement successful interoperability in the region.The major organisational factors to be considered include the importance of countryspecific realities such as legal and regulatory environments, and the use of multiple channels (e.g., Internet and mobile telephony), so as to make available identical e-government services toall who need them.