The Vice-President of Uruguay Will Deliver the Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series at ECLAC

| Press Release

Danilo Astori will be received by the Executive Secretary of the regional UN commission Alicia Bárcena.

Danilo Astori, Vicepresidente de la República Oriental del Uruguay.

(19 April 2012) The Vice-President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, President of the Senate and President of the General Assembly of Uruguay Danilo Astori, will give the 11th Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Headquarters in Santiago, Chile, on Thursday 26 April at 11:00 am.

Astori will give a lecture entitled The challenges of innovation and productivity in a national economic and social development project. He will be received by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, on behalf of the UN regional commission.

The Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series was established in April 2001, 100 years after Raúl Prebisch's birth date, who served as Executive Secretary of ECLAC and who has been one of its main inspiring figures. Several important scholars of the Latin American economic sector have participated in this lecture series.

Danilo Astori is the Vice-President of Uruguay and President of the General Assembly since 1 March 2010. A professional accountant and economist, he has been professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of the Republic and one of the founders of the Interdisciplinary Center for Development Studies in Uruguay (CIEDUR).

He served as sub-director of the Programming and Agricultural Policy Office of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries and was elected senator for the period between 1990-1995 representing Frente Amplio, and reelected both in 1995 and 2000 for a five-year term in each case.

He also became part of the Joint Parliamentary Commission of MERCOSUR, and from March 2005 and September 2008 he served as minister of Economy and Finances.

Astori has worked as a journalist and has published more than 65 papers on different topics related to economics, agriculture and industry, among other sectors.

The media are invited to attend the 11th Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series to take place at ECLAC Headquarters in Santiago, Chile (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura, Raúl Prebisch Conference Room).

For further questions, please contact ECLAC's Public Information and Web Services Unit. E-mail: ; Tel.: (56 2) 210 2040.

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2012-05-04 | Press Release

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