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Professor Joseph Stiglitz: Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Lecture at ECLAC

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22 August 2002|Press Release

The lecture will take place at 11:00 am in the Raúl Prebisch Room at ECLAC (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Vitacura, Santiago) and will be chaired by the Executive Secretary of this Regional Commission of the United Nations, José Antonio Ocampo.


Foto de José Antonio Ocampo (izquierda) Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL y Joseph Stiglitz, premio Nobel de Economía 2001
José Antonio Ocampo (left), Executive Secretary of ECLAC, welcomes Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize in Economics 2001

(22 August 2002) Next Monday 26 August Professor Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics, 2001, will visit the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), to give a Magisterial Lecture entitled: Whither Reforms? Towards a New Agenda for Latin America, on the occasion of the Second Raúl Prebisch Chair Magisterial Lecture.

The lecture will take place at 11:00 am in the Raúl Prebisch Room at ECLAC (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Vitacura, Santiago) and will be chaired by the Executive Secretary of this Regional Commission of the United Nations, José Antonio Ocampo.

Professor Stiglitz currently works as a professor of Economics at Columbia University, United States. He was Vice-President and Head Economist at the World Bank from 1997 to 2000. In 2001 he won the Nobel Price in Economics "for his analysis of markets with asymmetrical information". His comments and articles are widely published in the international media, making him one of the best known specialists of our time.

In 2001, for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Raúl Prebisch - the renowned Argentine economist who was one of ECLAC's founders - this body created a Chair in his honour, which involves distinguished guest lecturers active in economics in Latin America and the world giving a Magisterial Lecture from time to time. The first Prebisch Chair Magisterial Lecture was given by Professor Celso Furtado, in August 2001.

A recording of Joseph Stiglitz' lecture will be transmitted over the ECLAC website (webcast) starting at 5 pm Chile time (9 pm GMT) on Monday 26 August. It will be available on demand until 9 September, and can be watched using the free software, Real Player, which can be downloaded in about 20 minutes from the falling website:

The media are invited to attend the Second Raúl Prebisch Chair Magisterial Lecture.

To watch the webcast, please visit the ECLAC website anytime from 5 pm Chile time on Monday 26 August 2002 (9 pm GMT).
More information on Professor Stiglitz' visit can be obtained from María Elisa Bernal, Special Assistant with ECLAC's Executive Secretariat, Tel: (56-2) 210-2297; e-mail: mbernal