Briefing note
(6 September 2012) The complex current world economic scenario is affecting foreign trade in Latin America and the Caribbean. The size of its impact is analyzed in a new ECLAC report, to be launched next week.
In its document entitled Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy 2011-2012, the UN body analyzes the exports and imports performance in the region in the last months and draws prospectives for the rest of the year.
The annual report, one of the most important ECLAC documents, will be presented by the Executive Secretary of the Commission Alicia Bárcena at a press conference, to be held on 13 September at 11:00 am, at the Commission's Subregional Headquarters in Mexico City.
In this edition of the document, drafted by the International Trade and Integration Division of ECLAC, the following topics will be addressed - among others:
- The world economic situation and its complex current restructuring.
- The commodities' boom: balance and prospects.
- Recent performance and short-term prospectives of trade and economic integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- The foreseeable world economic context and underlying challenges for the international integration of the region.
The media are invited to attend the launch of the report, to take place at the Subregional Headquarters of ECLAC in Mexico City (Edificio Corporativo MCS, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Ave. # 193 piso 12, Colonia Granada, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City).
An electronic version of the document and the corresponding press release will be available for information on ECLAC's website.
For further questions and scheduling interviews, please liaise with María Amparo Lasso, Head of ECLAC's Public Information and Web Services Section. E-mails: or ; Office Tel: (56 2) 2102040; mobile: (56 9) 79678306, or with Félix Ibáñez, e-mail ; mobile (56 9) 88390576.
In order to confirm your attendance to the press conference, please contact María Luisa Díaz, in Mexico City: E-mail :; tel: (52 55) 41705665; mobile: (5255) 5416 9297.