The prominent Argentine economist will deliver a lecture this Thursday as part of the Ninth Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series.

(21 April 2010) Argentine economist and academic Aldo Ferrer will deliver a lecture on "Development and Globalization: Prebisch's Approach Today" this Thursday, April 22 at 11 a.m. as part of the Ninth Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series held each year at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Ferrer is Emeritus Professor and Director of the Master's Programme on Mercosur at the University of Buenos Aires and during his vast professional experience, has become known for for his research and publications on issues such as globalization, economic development and economic policies.
In Argentina, he has been awarded with the Konex Platinum Prize in the category of Applied Economic Analysis (1996) and with the Konex Prize in Political Economy (1986).
In his home country, Ferrer held several government positions, among them Minister of Economy and Labour and president of the board of the National Atomic Energy Commission.
Internationally, Ferrer served as economist at the General Secretariat of the United Nations, was Advisor to the Presidency of the Inter American Development Bank and coordinator of the Organizing Commission of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO).
His publications include: "The Argentine Economy: From its Origins to the Early 21st Century" (2004, 2008. Earlier editions 1963, 1971), "Nationalism and Constitutional Order" (1981), "History of Globalization: Origins of the World Economic Order" (1996) and "History of Globalization II: The Industrial Revolution and the Second World Order" (2000).
The lecture is open to the media.
Address: Raúl Prebisch Conference Room, 3477 Dag Hammarskjöld Av., Vitacura, Santiago.
For more information, contact ECLAC's Information Services. Email:; telephone: (56-2) 210-2040/2149.
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