Briefing note
In its 40th Session, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted without a vote Resolution A/HRC/40/L.22/Rev.1 “Recognizing the contribution of environmental human rights defenders to the enjoyment of human rights, environmental protection and sustainable development."
In the resolution, the Council expressed grave concern at the situation of environmental human rights defenders around the world, and strongly condemned the killing of and all other human rights violations or abuses against environmental human rights defenders by State and non-State actors. It also stressed that human rights defenders, including environmental human rights defenders, must be ensured a safe and enabling environment to undertake their work free from hindrance and insecurity.
Moreover, the Council noted with appreciation international instruments, such as the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (Escazú Agreement), for the protection of environmental human rights defenders.