The research guide for the students of the ECLAC School of Latin American Development Studies is available

| Briefing note

In the research guide, students can find an ample collection of resources for their academic research, teaching material, the class schedule and practical information about the course.

The Hernán Santa Cruz Library has prepared a comprehensive research guide (in Spanish) for students of the ECLAC School of Latin American Development Studies (ELADES). 

The research guide provides a comprehensive collection of academic resources for each of the main topics of the program, structuralist macroeconomics, evolutionist microeconomics and development. The section dedicated to institutional information about ECLAC provides students with a solid introduction to ECLAC thinking and areas of work. In this section, students can access key ECLAC position documents and flagship reports. 

In the guide, students can find detailed information about the class schedule and their study program. The guide also shares information about Library services and how to access academic resources. The ELADES students are welcome to use the Library space and the librarians are here to support them in finding the information they need. 

Access the ELADES research guide here (in Spanish).