First webinar of ECLAC’s Library annual cycle of 2021 webinars on Open Science

29th April marked the start of the Cycle of Webinars on Open Science 2021, an initiative of the ECLAC Library. These webinars offer a virtual space to exchange experiences on open science, open access, access to information and related topics.
The 2021 inaugural webinar was given by Javier Murillo, data scientist and founder of Metrics, Mexico. During his presentation entitled "Impact of an Infodemic in the times of COVID-19", he outlined the elements of an infodemic and the impact of misinformation in the context of a pandemic, with regard to:
1) The effects of information manipulation and its amplification in social networks.
2) The origin and purpose of fake news and how it moves on social networks
3) and, the relevance of reliable information and the generation of trust in a digital environment, was also addressed.
Additionally, the featured speaker reviewed concepts on the implementation and dissemination of communication strategies based on data; and the importance of data science, artificial intelligence and the development of algorithms in the democratization of access to information.
A recording of the session is available on the ECLAC Library's YouTube channel at
More about Javier Murillo
Data scientist, Founding Partner and President of Metrics, expert in information technologies applied to the transformation of digital business models. Visionary in branches such as social media, where he has applied artificial intelligence to profile, segment and predict social behavior. In addition, he is a member of the Innovation and Technology Advisory Council of the University of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico. Currently, he is working on the development of brand equity forecasting and measurement algorithms for global companies.
Videos and presentations of the Cycle of Webinars on Open Science 2021 and previous years are available at: