euroCRIS: Infrastructure for Research Information Management and Open Science in Europe (and beyond)

| Briefing note

Thursday 24 November the ECLAC Library organized a webinar on the euroCRIS project and the integration of CRIS systems in Europe.

euroCRIS: Infrastructure for Research Information Management and Open Science in Europe (and beyond)

In line with the euroCRIS mission to "promote collaboration within the research information management community and advance interoperability through CERIF", the webinar explored the role of CRIS systems (Current research Information Systems) and the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) standard play in the way Open Science is currently being implemented at various levels in Europe and beyond. A particular emphasis was made on the emerging RIM infrastructure in Latin America and its potential usefulness to standardise and deepen the Open Science workflow in the region.

Pablo de Castro, Open Access Advocacy Librarian at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow talked about the euroCRIS project, the Open APC initiative, and the CERIF standard.

Sadia Vancauwenbergh, Director of Research, Library and Internationalisation at Hasselt University, Flanders, Belgium and President of euroCRIS elaborated on the euroCRIS infrastructure, community and alignment of CRIS systems.

About the Speakers: 

Pablo de Castro works as Open Access Advocacy Librarian at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Part of his work within the institutional Open Science implementation domain involves management of the institutional CRIS system at Strathclyde for this purpose. Pablo has an academic background in Physics and over fifteen years of experience managing Open Access/Open Science and Research Information Management workflows. He joined the euroCRIS Board member in 2013. Since 2018 he has served as Technical Secretary for this non-profit association.

Sadia Vancauwenbergh is the Director of Research, Library and Internationalisation at Hasselt University, Flanders, Belgium. She has been the President of euroCRIS since 2021. Over the past ten years, she has been working in research information management as project leader of ECOOM, where she has been assisting the Flemish Government in designing and implementing the architecture and semantics of the Flemish Research Information Management System FRIS (Flemish Research Information Space). In addition, Sadia is a member of several European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)-related task forces at the Flemish and European levels and is running a project on 'Research data management practices in the Latin Americas' in Bolivia, Cuba and Peru, funded by VLIR-UOS.

Watch the video recording at the Library’s YouTube channel. Click here to access.

Videos and presentations about Open Science from the 2022 webinar cycles and previous years can be found here (in Spanish).