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Latin America-Asia Pacific Observatory Is Now Available Online

16 May 2013|News

Information on 37 economies (19 from Latin America and 18 from Asia Pacific), which includes macroeconomic and trade statistics, data on trade/investment agreements and ongoing negotiations, is featured on the website of the Latin America-Asia Pacific Observatory (://, which was launched on 15 May 2013 at the headquarters of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) in Montevideo.

The Observatory, which was set up in 2012, is a joint initiative of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), ALADI and CAF-Latin American Development Bank. Its aim is to increase knowledge of economic relations between the two regions, as well as providing a permanent mechanism to supply interested parties with information that contributes to the adoption of relevant policies and strategies.

The website's main quantitative tool, the Economic-Commercial Monitor, is already available for users to search for the main economic and trade indicators for Latin American and Asia Pacific countries, such as per capita GDP, gross capital formation, current account balance and net inflows of foreign direct investment to name but a few.

Alongside the website, since 2012 many other initiatives have been developed by the Observatory, including forums, seminars and publication launches, that help to advance knowledge and thinking about the strategic relationship between Latin America and the Caribbean and Asia Pacific.

It should be pointed out that Asia Pacific's share in Latin American and Caribbean exports went from 5.3% in 2000 to 18.5% en 2012, while its share in regional imports rose from 10.6% to 27.7% in the same period.

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