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Latin America and the Caribbean’s first environmental treaty, which was adopted by 24 countries in the region, will enter into force on April 22, 2021, coinciding with International Mother Earth Day celebrations.

Today, March 4, marks the three-year anniversary of the adoption of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, better known as the Escazú Agreement, which is the first environmental treaty in the region and the first in the world to contain specific provisions on human rights defenders in environmental matters.
This date is of great importance because, having reached the required number of ratifications, the Agreement will enter into force on April 22, 2021, a date that also marks International Mother Earth Day.
To commemorate this third anniversary and celebrate the prompt entry into force of the Escazú Agreement, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia Bárcena, reminds us that “amid the current global and regional situation of high complexity and uncertainty, the Escazú Agreement has become more necessary than ever. It strengthens a culture of dialogue and forges compacts to advance the necessary transformations that place human rights, environmental protection and the 2030 Agenda at the center of sustainable recovery with equality responses.”
“At ECLAC, we have long said that it is impossible to protect the environment without protecting those who defend it. This agreement also bears the name of environmental defenders. Nobody must be threatened, attacked or murdered for defending the environment in our region,” the United Nations regional organization’s highest authority adds.
The full message, released on March 4, is part of the social media campaign #Escazu4all (#EscazuparaTodxs), which seeks to spread the word about this historic treaty and celebrate its relevance for more egalitarian, fair and sustainable development. The campaign will be in effect until April 22, 2021, the date on which the Escazú Agreement’s entry into force will be celebrated during a commemorative ceremony that will take place at ECLAC’s headquarters.
Join the campaign to celebrate the Escazú Agreement’s upcoming entry into force. Record your video and post it to social media, tagging @eclac_un, @cepal_onu #EscazuAgreement #Escazu4all #EscazuparaTodxs.
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- Latin America and the Caribbean