ECLAC convenes Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee meeting in Suriname

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The meeting will be held on 14 October 2022 in Paramaribo, Suriname.

Family photo of delegates attending the CDCC meeting

What: Twenty-ninth (29) session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee.

When: 14 October 2022 (Opening ceremony at 9 am).

Where: The Royal Torarica Hotel, Kleine Waterstraat 10, Paramaribo, Suriname.


Background Information

Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) Member Countries and Associate Members will convene for the 29th Session. Pursuant to resolution 358(XVI) of 1975, the CDCC was created as a permanent subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), to promote development cooperation among Caribbean countries.

The objectives of CDCC are: (I) To promote and strengthen economic and social cooperation and integration among the countries of the Caribbean and Latin America; (II) To promote the sharing of information and experiences among its membership; and (III) To promote common positions and strategies on economic and social issues among Caribbean nations, and on their relations with third countries, and to present those positions to international forums and agencies.

Delegates at this session will receive a summary presentation of the latest edition of the ECLAC flagship for the subregion, the Caribbean Outlook, which outlines the current challenges facing the subregion and posits a future that might be achieved with a purposeful and forward-looking response. In addition to receiving information on ECLAC’s Programme of Work for the Caribbean, the Committee will hold further discussion on the proposal to establish a Caribbean Resilience Fund to support debt restructuring and investment in resilience and green industries.  It will review the subregion’s progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .  Representatives will also discuss preparations for the comprehensive review of implementation of the SAMOA Pathway for SIDS in 2024, identifying priority areas on which collective advocacy might be pursued.  The interests of non-independent Caribbean territories will also be considered at the meeting.

For more information please contact: Denise Balgobin, Media and Communications focal point, ECLAC Caribbean, at (868) 224-8075, email

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Twenty-ninth session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee

Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) Member Countries and Associate Members will convene for the 29th session. (Meeting documents can be found below)

Subregional Headquarters and Offices:

Subregional Headquarters, Port of Spain




  • Caribbean

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Denise Balgobin

  • 868 224 8075

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