Press Release
Around 40 public policymakers and business sector representatives from Costa Rica met on Monday 18 February in the capital, San José, to discuss the relationship between the productive development of economic growth sectors that introduce technological innovation and the level of female labour participation in such sectors.
This is the main focus of the ECLAC project on the Promotion of productive development through the inclusion of women in quality jobs in Central America, which will be implemented in the next few months in Costa Rica and El Salvador with funding from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GIZ).
The initiative aims to present itself to the region as an example of good practice, which can be implemented to generate a process of collaboration with the Council of Women's Affairs Ministers (COMMCA) of the Central American Integration System (SICA) and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE).
The opening of the meeting was attended by the Executive President of the National Institute for Women of Costa Rica, Maureen Clarke, the country's Minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, Alejandro Cruz, and the Director of the ECLAC Division for Gender Affairs, Sonia Montaño, and participants were also informed about the 12th session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which will be held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 14 to 18 October 2013.
This session of the Conference will focus on women's empowerment and information and communications technologies.
ECLAC periodically invites the region's governments to the Regional Conference to identify women's needs, evaluate activities carried out in compliance with relevant regional and international agreements and plans, present recommendations and thus to provide a forum to discuss gender matters.
Press contact:
ECLAC Public Information and Web Services Section.
ECLAC headquarters: Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura, Santiago.
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