Civil Society Organizations Presented Index of Women's Well-being

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"Without data, there can be no public policies", stated Sonia Montaño, Director of the ECLAC Gender Affairs Division, at the presentation of ISO-Quito Reloaded, an instrument developed by the Marcosur Feminist Association to include indicators on women's social well-being, economic and political parity and compliance with legislative commitments on gender equality in the region.

At the side event held on 16 October during the twelfth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is being held in the Dominican Republic, Lucy Garrido, Magdalena Gutiérrez and Silvana Bruera, from the Marcosur Feminist Association, explained that ISO-Quito is an index made up of various gender equality dimensions to monitor compliance with national commitments on such matters.

The tool was first presented at the eleventh session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in Brasilia, Brazil, in 2010, where participants evaluated compliance with the Quito Consensus approved at the tenth session of the Conference held in the Ecuadorian capital in 2007.

According to the results presented by the Marcosur Feminist Association, between 2007 and 2013 most countries improved their scores in the indicators analysed.

ISO-Quito is based on information that countries provide to the Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean, which is coordinated by the Gender Affairs Division of ECLAC.

Sonia Montaño, who was invited to comment on the results, said she valued the efforts made by civil society organizations, highlighting that ISO-Quito was created alongside the Observatory - which points to the need for appropriate and timely information to generate gender equality policies in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Brazil
  • Ecuador
  • Dominican Republic


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