
ECLAC Caribbean provides statistical services and resources to its member states in support of analysis of policy-related issues; the formulation of evidence-based policies and programmes; the delivery of reliable indicators of progress toward Internationally Agreed Development Goals (IAGDs) such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); the building of statistical capacity and expertise of Caribbean institutions and Governments; and the provision of technical assistance.

A significant component of the work carried out focuses on enhancing the capacity of national statistical offices to produce accurate, timely and relevant data and indicators for the purposes of policy making and development. To that end, ECLAC Caribbean regularly undertakes studies on issues of relevance to the region, and convenes expert group meetings and workshops that are directed towards capacity building and institutional strengthening in the region to enable the compilation of statistics and indicators.  ECLAC Caribbean also provides technical advice and support to countries in global processes such as the International Comparison Programme (ICP) and the decennial population and housing census.