Virtual Seminar on COVID-19: Strategies for a geospatial response in the Americas
15 May 2020|Event
The overarching aim of this Virtual Seminar Series is to provide Member States and stakeholders with instruction and opportunity to share and collaborate on geospatial methods, procedures, technology and data in the COVID-19 response. This will serve to deepen collaboration and foster knowledge exchange to enable Member States; the United Nations, its Regional Commissions, UN-GGIM Regional Committees and other organs; international organisations; academia; and, the private sector to use geospatial information to meet the challenge of COVID-19.
Specific items which will be presented and discussed in the Seminar Series will include:
- Discussing experiences from Member States and Regional Commissions and Regional UN-GGIM Committees on how they have met the challenge of COVID-19, reviewing progress and identifying challenges faced;
- Demonstrations on developing a national dashboard, which highlights data needs, available resources and good practices on developing a COVID-19 dashboard;
- Highlighting good practices on using geospatial information for public health and safety through bringing more intelligence and situational awareness to the data and decision-making;
- Providing a discussion on the challenges and tensions of using geospatial information to strengthen safety, while balancing the privacy implications;
- Providing principles and guidance on immediate actions to strengthen capacity;
- Identifying available resources for Member States and others to use in their COVID-19 response; and,
- Providing discussion on how to optimise resources to respond in the short and medium-term impact of COVID-19, while preparing for the long-term implications of public health and safety crises or emergencies.
15 May 2020
Bienvenida y puesta en escena / Welcome and setting the scene
11:00 to 11:15» Modera / Moderate: Paloma Merodio Gómez, Presidenta de UN-GGIM: Américas / President, UN-GGIM: Americas
- Palabras de bienvenida / Welcome remarks• Paloma Merodio, Presidenta de UN-GGIM: Américas / President, UN-GGIM: Americas• Rolando Ocampo, Director de la División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL / Director, ECLAC Statistics DivisionGreg Scott, UNSDPuesta en escena / Setting the Scene
El contexto de respuesta en las Américas / The response context in the Americas
11:15 to 11:35» Modera / Moderate: Macarena Pérez, Vicepresidenta UN-GGIM: Américas / Vice President, UN-GGIM: Americas
- Rolando Ocampo, CEPAL / ECLACRegional overview and ECLAC COVID-19 ObservatoryAlvaro Monett, CEPAL / ECLACResults of the response to COVID-19 questionnaire in the Americas
Presentaciones / Presentations
11:35 to 12:05» Modera / Moderate: Greg Scott, UNSD
- Eric Van Praag, ESRICOVID-19 sharing and collaboration platformsLorraine McNerney, Ordnance Survey IrlandaGeoHive - Grupo de Coordinación de Respuesta COVID- 19Macarena Perez, Sistema Nacional de Coordinación de Información Territorial (SNIT), ChileFrom Visualization to Communication
Ejemplos de buenas prácticas / Good practices examples
12:05 to 12:45» Modera / Moderate: Álvaro Monett, CEPAL / ECLAC
- • Luis Gerardo Esparza, INEGI, México• Sandra Moreno, DANE, Colombia• Sidra Samuel, Survey and Mapping Division, Antigua & Barbuda• Isis Tejada, IGN Tommy Guardia, Panamá
Preguntas y discusiones moderadas / Questions and moderated discussions
12:45 to 13:15» Modera / Moderate: Greg Scott, UNSD and Álvaro Monett, CEPAL / ECLAC
Cierre / Closure
13:15 to 13:30- • Paloma Merodio Gómez, Presidenta de UN-GGIM: Américas / President, UN-GGIM: Americas• Rolando Ocampo, Director de la División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL / Director, ECLAC Statistics Division