URISA Caribbean chapter Regional Workshop on open source technologies and web mapping



About the Workshop
The Caribbean Regional GIS Workshop is a URISA and ICA endorsed event to be held on the 12th through 14th of February 2014 at the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort Venue in Sint Maarten.

Event information



Event type

Meetings and technical symposiums

Objectives of the Workshop

The URISA Caribbean Regional Workshop event aims to


  • Provide Informative application-driven workshops and sessions geared towards increasing the knowledge of GIS professionals and related disciplines in the area of effective internet mapping technologies and facilitating return on investment.
  • Function as the medium that continues to encourages the regional GIS network of professionals
  • Serve as a forum to discuss progress made towards our Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (RSDI).


URISA Caribbean Chapter

This event is an Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) Caribbean Chapter event. It is endorsed by the, URISA and the International Cartographic Association (ICA).

The Caribbean URISA Chapter is a non-profit organization that provides members with a forum to share real experiences in implementing Geoinformatics/GIS technology in organizations, to present one's work, get constructive criticism, and discuss concepts and ideas of how Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can make meaningful contribution to society in general and the Caribbean region in particular.


Why Attend the URISA Caribbean Workshop

Learning hands - on about the latest cartographic technologies to employ

  • Sharing with others and learning from other GIS Professionals across the region and overseas, who will exchange a vast amount of information on GIS related Technologies
  • The opportunity to network with key de



Who Should Attend? and Who will be attending?

To be in attendance of this Workshop, we invite all GIS Technology stakeholders and users from the region. For the High Level Meeting, Key decision Makers in their organizations, Head of GIS Departments, GIS Managers, head of agencies, National GIS Coordinators, academia, donor agency representation, private sector representatives in the geospatial arena, GIS Analysts and Technicians will be in attendance.


Workshop Coordination

The workshop program is being spearheaded by the URISA Caribbean Chapter and a Workshop Planning Committee.


Workshop Planning Committee Members


  • Valrie Grant, Guyana
  • Nadine Brown, Jamaica
  • Simone Lloyd, Jamaica
  • Fidel Omar-Ali, Trinidad
  • Cecille Blake, USA
  • Lydia Evans, Jamaica
  • Tatiana Arrindell, St Maarten
  • Louis Brown, St. Maarten
  • Donald Webster, St. Maarten
  • Zoe Walker, Guyana



Workshop Program

The workshop will provide a stimulating professional geospatial environment with a rich technical package. There will be 4 highlights of the event, namely:

Workshop Opening – Ceremony will include the contribution of ministerial representatives of the Sint Maarten government who portfolios are linked to the nature of this event.

High Level SDI Forum and Vendors Meeting – Second Staging – On November 14, 2012 the URISA Caribbean Chapter in conjunction with the Land Information Council of Jamaica, hosted a High Level Regional Meeting on Geospatial Information Management at the 6th URISA Caribbean GIS Conference. To once again invite the regional GIS Community to discuss the progress and resolutions made towards the establishment of the Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (RSDI), this workshop will provide the forum for the Second Staging of this meeting. We look forward to having the input of key decision makers and professionals of the geospatial community.

URISA Workshop – The Chapter seeks to host a workshop entitled GIS Return on Investment which will provide attendees with a session dedicated to assisting IT Directors and Managers, GIS Managers, decision makers and operational personnel to determine the return on investment for GIS which aids in securing support and funding for a project/program. It will allow attendees to develop the metrics for comparing the costs associated with the implementation, operation and maintenance verses identifying and quantifying the benefits and to practice hands on exercises of these metric methods.

International Cartographic Association (ICA) Workshop – ICA will host a 1 ½ day hands-on educational session on Modern Cartography through the application of “web mapping“, “open source“ and “service-oriented mapping“ technologies. We looking forward to attendees being enthusiastic and prepared for a session of well demonstrated content and hands-on exercises.