Provisional agenda:
1. Election of officers
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Report of the Chairperson of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean on the work accomplished since the fifth session of the Regional Conference
4. Presentation, by the Secretary-General of the Fourth World Conference on Women, of the Platform for Action to be discussed at Beijing, and preparations for that Conference
5. Report of the ECLAC secretariat on the activities carried out in 1991-1994 and the documentation prepared for consideration at the Conference
6. Analysis and evaluation of the situation of women in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s
7. Elaboration and adoption of the regional programme of action for the women of Latin America and the Caribbean, 1995-2001
8. Regional preparations for the Fourth World Conference on Women
9. Seventh session of the Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean
10. Other matters
11. Consideration and adoption of the report of the meeting