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Sixteenth extraordinary session of the Committe of the Whole

16 April 2015|Event

<p>The sixteenth extraordinary session of the Committee of the Whole has been convened by the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) pursuant to resolution 694(PLEN.30), adopted at the thirtieth session of the Committee of the Whole, held in New York on 19 and 20 March 2015. The aim of the session is to consider the draft resolution entitled “Forum of the Countries of Latin American and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development”.</p>

1. Adoption of the agenda.
2. Consideration of the draft resolution entitled “Forum of the Countries of Latin American and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development”, presented at the thirtieth session of the Committee of the Whole (New York, 19 and 20 March 2015).
3. Other matters.

Annotated Provisional Agenda
Information requested by the countries for the consideration of the draft resolution
Note by the Secretariat
Report of the sixteenth extraordinary session of the Committee