Seminar-workshop on instruments for strengthening official statistics: code of good practice and peer review mechanisms
The National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) of Colombia and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), as Coordinator and Technical Secretariat of the working group Peer review mechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean of the SCA, respectively, are organizing the seminar-workshop on Tools for strengthening official statistics: code of good practices and peer review mechanism, to be held in Santiago, Chile, from 12 to 14 April, 2023.
The working group on Peer review mechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean of the Statistical Conference of the America of ECLAC, aims to update the Regional Code of Good Statistical Practices (CRBPE) and prepare a proposal for a regional peer review mechanism, as tools to contribute to compliance with the fundamental principles of official statistics.
The seminar-workshop will take place in two parts. The first part consists of a seminar on international experiences both in updating codes of good statistical practice, in line with changes in data ecosystems, and in the use of peer review mechanisms to contribute to quality assurance. and the generation of confidence in official statistics. The second part consists of a workshop to review in detail the proposal to update the CRBPE, which will be presented for approval by the member countries at the XII meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas, and to jointly prepare an outline for a mechanism peer review for the region.
This activity is financially supported by the 14th Tranche of the United Nations Development Account (DA-14). Through its governance component, this project seeks to contribute to the modernization of official statistics in areas such as strengthening legal frameworks, governance, coordination mechanisms within and beyond the national statistical system, quality management, communication with policy makers and other users, collaboration with new data providers and open data practices, among others.
12 Apr 2023
Seminar: International experiences with peer review mechanisms
10:00 to 17:30- Bienvenida e introducción al seminario / Welcome and introduction to the seminarImplementación y actualización de los códigos de buenas prácticas en estadísticas / Implementation and updates of codes of good practice in statisticsMecanismos de monitoreo y experiencias en revisión de pares / Monitoring mechanisms and peer review experiences» Panel de discusión / Discussion panel:Los Principios Fundamentales de las Estadísticas Oficiales y la contribución de los mecanismos regionales a su cumplimiento / The UN-FPOS and the contribution of regional mechanisms
13 Apr 2023
Workshop: Review of the Regional Code of Good Practice in Statistics
10:00 to 17:30- Metodología del taller / Methodology for the workshopPrincipios/Principles 1-4: Entorno Institucional/coordinación / Institutional environment/coordinationPrincipios/Principles 4-8: Entorno institucional/coordinación / Institutional environment/coordinationPrincipios/Principles 9-13: Proceso Estadístico / Statistical ProcessPrincipios/Principles14-18: Producto Estadístico / Statistical Production
14 Apr 2023
Workshop: Regional peer review mechanism for Latin America and the Caribbean
10:30 to 13:00- Propuesta de un mecanismo de revisión de pares en Latinoamérica y el Caribe / Proposal for a peer review mechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean» Mesas de discusión / Roundtable discussionsPlenario: próximos pasos para la implementación de un mecanismo regional de revisión de pares / Plenary: next steps for the implementation of a regional peer review mechanism» Cierre / Closing