Briefing note
Selection of activities carried out by the members of the Regional Group of Experts on Water Resources of Latin America and the Caribbean between March 2022 and June 2022
The members of the Regional Group of Experts on Water Resources of Latin America and the Caribbean, created in the preparatory framework for the 2023 World Water Conference, have promoted numerous activities that contribute to the acceleration of achievement of SDG 6.
You can find extended information on selected activities at the following links.
UNESCO and CODIA launch the document “Cooperación en materia de aguas transfronterizas en América Latina y el Caribe”.
This document is launched with the aim of promoting knowledge and institutional capacities for cooperation and joint actions of the states that share water resources, with a focus on sustainable development. The publication extensively analyzes the transboundary aquifers of the region from the point of view of governance and territorial cooperation. This document will be useful for decision-making in the management of water resources.
You can consult the complete publication in the following link:
CAF launches the document "Building a Water Security Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean 2030"
Within the framework of the Conference on Water Finance and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean: Heading for Dakar 2022, held on November 23 and 24, 2021, CAF-Development Bank of Latin America is launching this document analyzing the efforts and advances in the water sector and the magnitude of the challenges that most countries must overcome to meet the needs, both for human consumption and production. CAF presents a brief summary of reflections and proposals on water security, establishing guidelines for action in the areas of finance and governance, which will serve as input to continue the constructive debate during the 9th World Water Forum, Dakar 2022, with the sector community and the public in general.
You can consult the complete publication in the following link:
UICN shares information on the BRIDGE project “Building Dialogues for Better Water Governance”
BRIDGE seeks to ensure the sustainable management of water resources to reduce poverty, conserve nature and boost the economy and international cooperation through a multilevel governance approach. Implements actions to increase institutional effectiveness and cross-border cooperation through the strengthening of regional capacities, promoting the application of principles of International Law and the involvement of actors at different levels through the use of tools, experiences and appropriate approaches for integrated management of water. In this way, countries that share a river or lake basin are supported to implement effective agreements through dialogue, the strengthening of governance capacities, the negotiation of shared benefits and the promotion of transparent institutional frameworks.
You can find more information about it at the following link:
ECLAC launches the report on the regional preparatory process in Latin America and the Caribbean for the mid-term review of the International Decade for Action, "Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2028" and the 2023 United Nations Water Conference
The report, which contains information on the initiatives of the countries of the region as well as ECLAC's proposal to promote the acceleration of the achievement of SDG 6, is presented in the framework of preparation for the mid-term review of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2028” and the United Nations Water Conference 2023. This document also details the initiatives to accelerate the achievement of SDG6 in Latin America and the Caribbean that ECLAC has promoted: i ) Annual Water Dialogues 2022, ii) consolidation of the Regional Group of Experts on Water Resources in LAC and iii) Online regional consultation on water priorities.
You can find more information about it at the following link:
CCAD and GWP organizes IV Workshop on Transboundary Water Management "Tools and processes to accelerate the progress of Cooperation in Transboundary Water Management"
The event, organized by the Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD) with the support of the Global Water Partnership (GWP), aims to contribute to the creation of a regional framework for the management of international water rivers, basins and transboundary aquifers in Central America. Representatives of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and ECLAC participated in the event through the intervention of Dr. Silvia Saravia Matus, economic affairs officer of the Unit of Water and Energy.
You can find more information about it at the following link:
VI Latin American Sanitation Conference (Latinosan) in Cochabamba, Bolivia in October 2022
The Latinosan Conference is an event held every three years (since 2007) with the aim of promoting access to quality and sustainable sanitation services in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event brings together public actors from countries in the region, as well as international exhibitors and has the support of international organizations. The conference is also part of the efforts to achieve target 6 of the SDGs.
You can find more information about it at the following link: