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National Transfer Accounts (NTA) Capacity-building Workshop

24 June 2019|Event

The workshop is organized within the framework of the UN Development Account (10th Tranche) project on "Demographic transition: opportunities and challenges to achieve the SDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean", coordinated by CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC with the aim of enhancing capacities of the selected states to integrate population dynamics into their planning policies.

The overall objective is to strengthen technical capacities of Jamaica to produce National Transfer Accounts (NTA) for the purpose of analyzing economic and social impacts of demographic changes, and thus increasing the ability of the governments to formulate long-term policies focused on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In that context, the purpose of the workshop is to familiarise participants with the NTA framework and methodology; support the initial efforts in constructing a full set of accounts for Jamaica; and to expose participants to certain extensions and applications of the NTA.

The workshop will feature 5 conceptual sessions and 5 practical labs, covering the core elements of NTA, such as the lifecycle deficit and its components.


Practical information

This capacity-building workshop is specifically designed for the new national NTA teams representing public institutions, as well as the academia.