Tuesday, June 14
09:00 Opening Remarks
10:00 Keynote: What Should Policymakers Know about Global Integration and Labor Markets? / Andrés Velasco, Former Finance Minister, Chile. Chair: Carlos Silva-Juaregui, World Bank.
11:15 Session 1: Heterogeneous Effects of Economic Shocks on Labor Markets. Chair: Michael Plummer, OECD.
- Erik Von Uexkull, ILO: "The Roles of Openness and Labor Market Institutions for Employment Dynamics during Economic Crises".
- David Kaplan, IDB: "Trade and Formal Labor Markets in Northern Mexico during the U.S. Recession
- Julian Messina, World Bank: "Domestic Inflation and Labor-Market Adjustment: Implications for Macro and Micro Policies"
Keynote: William F. Maloney, World Bank: "Trade, Employment Transitions, and Income Risk: Emerging Issues in Trade and Employment"
15:00 Session 2:
- Marion Jansen, ILO: “Adjustment to Trade Liberalization”
- David Kupfer, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: “Brazil Case Study”
- Nanno Mulder, UN ECLAC and ILO: “Trade Openness and Wage Gaps in Chile”
- José Antonio Rodriguez Lopez, University of California and Consultant to OECD: “Trade and Occupational Employment in Mexico Since NAFTA”.
Discussant: Guido Porto, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina
Wednesday, June 15
10:00 Session 3: International Integration, Informality and Job Quality / Chair: Osvaldo Rosales, UN ECLAC.
- Raymond Robertson, Macalester College: "Globalization, Wages and Quality of Jobs: El Salvador and Honduras"
- Marc Bacchetta, WTO: "Globalization and Informal Jobs in Developing Countries"
- Juan De Laiglesia, OECD Development Center: "Trade, structural change and informality"
Discussant: Gerhard Reinecke, ILO.
14:30 Session 4: Trade, Poverty and Inequality / Chair: William F. Maloney, World Bank
- Julio Guzman, IDB: "Trade and Poverty in Latin America: What Do We Know?"
- Marcelo Lafleur, UN ECLAC: "First-Order Effects of Liberalization on Real Wages: Chile"
- Daniel Lederman, World Bank: "Who Suffers the Burden of Adjustment? Returns to Schooling and Business Cycles in Latin America"
Discussant: Oscar Landerretche, University of Chile.
17:00 Panel: Policy Responses and Labor Market Adjustments in Latin America and the Caribbean / Chairs: Carlos Silva-Jáuregui, World Bank
Panel Presentations by Country Representatives and Social Partners
- Bruno Baranda - Vice Minister of Labor, Chile.
- Andrés Concha - Chairman of the Chilean Manufacturers' Society (SOFOFA)
- Soledad Villafañe - Director of Studies and Macroeconomic Coordination at the Ministry of Labor, Argentina.
- Jorge Arbache - Senior economic adviser to the President of the Brazilian Development Bank-BNDE (TBC).
- Roland Schneider- Senior Policy Advisor, Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC).