Event information

Event type:
The workshop takes place within the scope of the project “Building a national and regional strategy for the development and adoption of sustainable technologies”, led by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in Brazil and implemented by the Economic Commission for America Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL) with support of the European Union through Euroclima+.
In addition, the workshop builds on a series of actions that are in course in the context of a fruitful network coordinated by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Green in partnership with representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru within the scope of the “LAC Acceleration Project”, which started in 2019 as a public-private marketplace to promote green technology innovation and diffusion; connect technology providers with technology seekers; and offer services to catalyze mutually beneficial commercial transactions. Its mission is to contribute to the accelerated adaptation, adoption and deployment of green technology solutions, in both developing and developed countries.
The goal of this event is to provide an opportunity for peer exchanges on good practices, challenges and opportunities for the promotion of a new role of Intellectual Property (IP) Offices in the XXI century, particularly regarding the development of innovation projects for green technologies.
The event is mainly targeted at representatives of IP Offices and relevant stakeholders of National Innovation Systems (including the business sector as an IP user) from Latin American countries and the Caribbean, and aims at building a bridge between the most traditional roles and cutting-edge roles performed by IP Offices.
Simultaneous translation will be provided in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Practical information:
Online event. Registration required.
Provisional program and further information:
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