The forum on “IOT” seeks to highlight the significance of IOT as a technological revolution that represents the future of computing and communications, and its development being dependent on dynamic technical innovation.
Event information

Event type:
IOT involves the interlinking of networks, devices and data that have thus far never been linked. It is the collective power of these formerly disparate elements that lies at the heart of the power of IOT and integrated dynamic ICT ecosystems that can benefit both developed and developing economies.
The primary objective of the IOT Forum is to :
Discuss the role IOT plays in relation to converging technologies for building smart sustainable communities with integrated ecosystems.
Discuss IOT and development challenges and the paradigm shift in creating a smart world that facilitates sustainable economic development along with a high quality of life.
Bring together:
- stakeholders, managers and engineers working with IOT applications (innovators)
- service providers planning on delivering IOT solutions, and their financiers (business community)
- policy and standards creators/enforcers for IOT deployment (policymakers, regulators)
- other IOT experts from industry, government and academia (legislators)
Day 1, 24th April 2017: Chair - ITU
Time |
Description |
Panellists/Presenters |
07:30 - 08:30 |
Registration |
08:30 - 09:15 |
Opening Remarks + Photo Session
Bernadette Lewis (CTU) Gilbert Peterson S.C. (TATT) Cleveland Thomas (ITU) Hon. Maxie Cuffie (Trinidad)
MC: Selby Wilson (CTU) |
09:15 - 10:45 |
Session 1: IoT in the Caribbean: Opportunities and Challenges
Caribbean Country Case Studies - IoT Perspectives - 3 countries; 3 sectors for nationwide deployed solutions as a state agency
Reginald Bourne (Regulatory Authority Barbados) Charlene John (T&TEC)
Moderator: Nigel Cassimere (CTU) |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Tea Break |
11:05 - 12:30 |
Session 2: Ecosystem for IoT Use + Monetisation
The realities of IoT Monetization in Small Developing States |
Irwin Williams (Teleios) Jeevan Persad (Fasove) Ancel Bhagwandeen (ProtofabTT) Shelon Padmore (DSL)
Moderator: Dr. Kieron Swift (Economic Development Advisory Board) |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Session 3: Youth Panel: IoT Solutions for Development
Jeremy Berkleef Stephan Hosein Christian Barran Julie Sundar
Moderator: Theo Boomsma (Cottage IT) |
15:00 - 16:00 |
Session 4: Seizing the IoT Opportunity
Cleveland Thomas (ITU) Lars Morton (2operate)
16:30 - 18:00 |
End of formal proceedings |
Day 2, 25th April 2017: Chair - UWI
Time |
Description |
Panellists/Presenters |
07:30 - 08:30 |
Registration |
08:30 - 09:15 |
Session 5: ITU-R studies in support of IoT
Presentation reviewing on-going ITU-R studies on radio communications related aspects for IoT, including Satellite IMT, Terrestrial IMT and non-IMT networks as well as Short Range Devices |
Sergio Buonomo (ITU) Nelson Malaguti (ITU) Philippe Aubineau (ITU)
Moderator: Cleveland Thomas (ITU) |
09:15 - 10:45 |
Session 6: “Spectrum Management Issues for Caribbean IoT Deployment”
Regional situation update with perspectives provided by representatives of regulators/stakeholders from regional groups, as appropriate, concerning current spectrum management issues for IoT in the Caribbean with specific reference to Satellite, IMT and Short Range. |
Kirk Sookram (TATT) Andrew Millet (ECTEL) Clifford Bostic (Telecommunications Unit, Barbados) [Presentation]
Moderator: Nigel Cassimere (CTU) |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Tea Break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Session 7: Standards Perspective: Big Data and IoT -- promoting interoperability via Open Standards, and Semantic
Discuss standardization trends with regard to Big data and IoT ecosystem. It will also provide an opportunity to exchange views on the potential role of open standards, and semantic technologies. |
Dr. Rob Frieden (Penn State University) Ajmal Nazir (TTMAG) Keith Alexiss (ICCN)
Moderator: Sean Rocke (UWI) |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch Break - FUJITSU LunchTime present to audience |
Eric Pearson |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Session 8: IoT Security + Privacy: policy, legislation, regulation and infrastructure
The main presenter will introduce to the audience the ITU’s work in the area of Security and Privacy as pertains to IoT. The relevant Caribbean context will be uncovered via moderated discussion with the other panellists
Bruno Ramos (ITU) Vashti Maharaj (Attorney General Office,Trinidad) Julian Wilkins (CANTO)
Moderator: Shiva Bissessar (Pinaka) |
15:00 - 16:30 |
Session 9: IoT Privacy and Information Security: Caribbean requirements and challenges
Dr. Kevin Butler (University of Florida) Hon. Catherine Hughes (Guyana) Shiva Bissessar (Pinaka)
Moderator: Selby Wilson (CTU) |
16:30 |
End of formal proceedings
Day 3, 26th April: Chair - CTU
Time |
Description |
Panellists/Presenters |
07:30 - 08:30 |
Registration |
08:30 - 09:35 |
Session 10: ”Measuring IoT Usage + Projecting IoT Impact on Development”
Presentation reviewing benchmarks and methods for monitoring IoT usage and impact based on ITU-D studies on IOT for developing countries e.g.
Panellists: Dr. Steve Chan (MIT) Stephan Samuell (CSO) Eduardo Arcas (Ericsson) Moderator: Karel Douglas (TATT) |
09:35 - 10:45 |
Session 11: “Benchmarking Caribbean IoT Usage and Impact”
Session provides a platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges faced by policy makers and regulators during the adoption of a widespread IoT ecosystem. It also discusses, strategies in use by collection agencies + resources required for relevant data collection and measurement |
Panellists: Bernadette Lewis (CTU) Cheryl Hector (ECTEL) Tracy Hackshaw (ISOC)
Moderator: Karel Douglas (TATT) |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Tea Break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Hands-on Session 12: IoT Implementation Tools: Open Source, Open Data, Cloud Computing, and Semantic Technologies
Walk-through of a typical set of tools for rapid assembly of an IoT application, with reference to an existing Caribbean IoT application/need. |
Instructor: Cathy-Ann Radix (UWI)
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch Break: Case Study- IoT in Suriname; Daryll Medar (TAS) |
Daryll Medar [Presentation] |
13:30 - 14:00 |
Session 13: IoT Scenarios/Issues
Demos of IoT applications at different stations highlighting cross-cutting IoT issues |
Presenters: Kevin Butler (University of Florida) Theo Boomsma/Julie Sundar (Cottage IT) Christian Barran Chris Meetoo
Moderator: Dr. Kim Mallalieu (UWI) |
14:00 - 15:30 |
Panel Session 14: IoT Convergence, Conformance, Interoperability in Caribbean
Session will highlight how to get projects and initiatives off the ground and provide perspectives on issues related to extending an IoT product to operate in multiple Caribbean territories specifically convergence, conformance and interoperability.
Panellists: Eric Pearson (GlobeRanger; Fujitsu) Michele Marius (ICT Pulse) [Presentation] Fulgence St. Prix (CROSQ)
Moderator: Sylvester Caddette (ITU) |
15:30 - 16:30 |
Wrap-Up / Brainstorming / Next Steps
Panellists Dr. Kim Mallalieu (UWI) Hon. Melford Nicholas (Antigua and Barbuda) Bernadette Lewis (CTU)
Moderator: Cleveland Thomas (ITU) |
Subregional headquarter(s) and office(s):
Subregional Headquarters, Port of SpainAttachment(s):
- Day 1-Session 1-IOT Opportunities & Challenges-Reginald Bourne
- Day 1-Session 1-Smart Grid-Charlene John
- Day 1-Session 2-An Enabling Ecosystem-Irwin Williams
- Day 1-Session 2-Caribbean Ventures-Jeevan Persad
- Day 1-Session 2-Monetizing IOT-Ancel Bhagwandeen
- Day 1-Session 3-Navigating IOT Ecosystem-Christian Barran
- Day 2-Lunchtime-Making an Impact-Eric Pearson
- Day 2-Session 6-Spectrum Management-Andrew Millet
- Day 2-Session 6-Spectrum Management-Clifford Bostic
- Day 2-Session 6-Spectrum Management-Kirk Sookram
- Day 2-Session 7- Applications for Development-Keith Alexis
- Day 2-Session 7-Promoting Interoperability-Robert Frieden
- Day 2-Session 7-Standards & Perspectives-Ajmal Nazir
- Day 3-Lunchtime-Case Study Suriname-Daryll Medar
- Day 3-Session 10-Central Statistical Office-Stephan Samuell
- Day 3-Session 11-Benchmarking IOT-Bernadette Lewis
- Day 3-Session 11-Challenges measuring IOT-Cheryl Hector
- Day 3-Session 12- IOT Hands On-Cathy Radix
- Day 3-Session 13-Challenges for IOT-Kevin Butler
- Day 3-Session 14-Conformance & Interoperability-Michele Marius
Related link(s):
Organizing institution:
ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- http://www.cepal.org/en/headquarters-and-offices/eclac-caribbean
- (868)224-8000
International Telecommunication Union
- http://www.itu.int/en/Pages/default.aspx
- +1 246 431-0343/0344
Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
- https://tatt.org.tt/Home.aspx
- (868) 675 8288