Work area(s)
Event information

Event type
Virtual, 28 October 2022 (12-1.30pm Santiago Chile time)
1. Background
The First Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Escazú Agreement (COP1), adopted the Decision I/6 on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters. This decision established an open-ended ad hoc working group on human rights defenders in environmental matters, “which shall allow for meaningful public participation, especially by indigenous peoples and local communities, endeavouring to include persons or groups in vulnerable situations, and receive the assistance of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean in its capacity as Secretariat.”
The main task of this Group is the elaboration of an action plan on human rights defenders in environmental matters, to be presented at the second ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties (2024), for consideration and adoption.
In addition, the Parties agreed to hold an annual forum on human rights defenders in environmental matters with recognized specialists in the field, with the assistance of the Secretariat, following which a final report will be prepared to serve as input for drafting and review of the relevant action plan.
To operationalize the Working Group, the Presiding Officers agreed to nominate three coordinating countries: Ecuador, Chile and Saint Kitts and Nevis, who, with the meaningful participation of elected representatives of the public, will lead the elaboration of the action plan on human rights defenders on environmental matters for its adoption at COP 2024.
Consequently, the first open virtual meeting of the Working Group is convened with the aim of initiating the work for the elaboration of the above-mentioned plan.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided from and into English.
2. Objectives
- To introduce the coordinating countries of the Working Group.
- To present the Group's work schedule.
- To hold an initial dialogue on the work of the Group and receive feedback from the public.
- Inform about the programme of the First Forum on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental matters to be held in Quito, 22-23 November 2022 and the modalities of participation.
Secretariat of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean