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First Online Technical Assistance under the ROSA Project – Plurinational State of Bolivia

15 February 2024|Event

As part of the Water Sustainability Network and Observatory (ROSA) project, the first online technical assistance for the Plurinational State of Bolivia was held on February 15, 2024. This inaugural session aimed at covering topics from water governance and sustainability, to exploring national needs.

The first online technical assistance session for Bolivia, under the auspices of the ROSA project and under the leadership of Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer at ECLAC, was held on February 15, 2024. This session was a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication towards addressing water and sanitation challenges by Bolivia. 

The session commenced with opening remarks, team introductions, and an overview of the agenda. The agenda encompassed five key sessions that delved into the intricacies of water resources management, governance challenges, and potential solutions. Topics ranged from the global perspective on water resources in the LAC region, the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Water and Sanitation), to the introduction of circular economy principles in the water sector. An innovative session focused on designing actions with a Nexus approach, highlighting the interconnectivity between water, energy, food security and the environment.

Interactive activities facilitated an open exchange between the participants to share on their  national needs, allowing participants to voice their perspectives and insights. This was instrumental in tailoring the ROSA project's future direction to better serve Bolivia's unique context.

The session concluded with a summary of agreements and the delineation of next steps. This first online technical assistance session under the ROSA project not only set the stage for subsequent engagements but also underscored the commitment of the Bolivian government and its partners to advancing sustainable water governance practices.


First Online Technical Assistance Agenda

Plurinational State of Bolivia

Water Sustainability Network and Observatory Project (ROSA)

February 15, 2024

At 9:00 (Bolivia time)

February 15, 2024

9:00 – 9:20


 Session opening

Welcome words

Team presentation

Presentation of the agenda

group photo

9:20 – 9:40

Introduction of the ROSA project

Previous steps, terms of reference, technical assistance

Interactive activity

9:40 – 9:55


 Session 1- Overview of water resources in LAC: a governance challenge

9:55 – 10:10

Session 2- SDG 6 (Water and Sanitation) and governance solutions

10:10 – 10:25

Session 3- Introduction to circular economy in the drinking water and sanitation sector


10:25 – 10:45

Session 4- Design of actions with a Nexus approach

10:45 – 11:15

Session 5 – Roundtable: Reactions and exploration of national needs

11:15 – 11:30


 Summary of agreements and next steps

 Exit survey