This expert group meeting discusses the ECLAC study on Synthesis of Policy interventions responding to common Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Challenges in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
Event information

Event type:
This study seeks to assess the approaches and challenges affecting Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) implementation in seven Caribbean SIDS. It also provides policy recommendations to support sustainable management and implementation of IWRM in the Caribbean SIDS including recommendations for potable water management in addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The assessment takes the following into consideration:
- The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through Goal 6 (SDG 6) submits that water and sanitation are at the core of sustainable development and are linked to all other SDGs. SDG 6 addresses water availability, water quality, use, access, affordability as well as ecosystem and anthropogenic influencers and their sustainable development linkages
- The 2021 review of SDG 6.5.1 implementation urged that the current rate of progress needs to double, as 129 countries are not on track to achieve sustainable management of water resources by 2030. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic impacts and management requirements can further slow the progress in implementation of the SDG 6.5.1.
0900 hrs – 0910 hrs
Opening of the session
Welcome remarks by Ms. Diane Quarless Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
0910 hrs – 0920 hrs
Introduction of Study: Synthesis of Policy interventions responding to common Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Challenges in the Caribbean SIDS
Facilitator: Artie Dubrie – Coordinator for the Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS
0920 hrs – 1015 hrs
IWRM Practices, Policies and Recommendations - Outcomes from National Reports.
- Bahamas: Stacey Moultrie, IWRM Consultant
- Barbados: Elon Cadogan, IWRM Consultant
- Belize: Rudolph Williams, IWRM Consultant
- Guyana: Kemraj Parsram, IWRM Consultant
- Jamaica: Herbert Thomas, IWRM Consultant
- Suriname: Priscilla Miranda, IWRM Consultant
- Trinidad and Tobago: Marilyn Crichlow, IWRM Consultant
Moderator: Artie Dubrie – Coordinator for the Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS
1015 hrs –1035 hrs
Caribbean SIDS - Policy Interventions Responding to Common IWRM Challenges
Facilitator: Marilyn Crichlow, Lead IWRM Consultant
1035 hrs – 1150 hrs
Discussions: Questions and Answers
Moderator: Artie Dubrie – Coordinator for the Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS
1150 hrs – 1200 hrs
Conclusion of Meeting
Facilitator: Artie Dubrie – Coordinator for the Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS