Expert Group Meeting to discuss measuring the digital society to advance digital inclusion in the Caribbean
Event information
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), subregional headquarters for the Caribbean would like to thank you for your contribution in response to our online survey on measuring the digital society. We have completed the study and now invite you to participate in an Expert Group Meeting to review our findings. You may recall that this research aims to advance the ongoing discussions regarding measurement in the Caribbean subregion by building on the outcomes of the previous workshop jointly organized by ECLAC and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU).
The meeting will be convened virtually via Zoom on Monday 18 September 2023 from 1000 hrs to 1200 noon (UTC-4), to review the draft study. The discussions will focus on the methodology utilized, as well as the findings presented; identify strengths and weaknesses, and propose recommendations to further strengthen the study.
1000 hrs – 1020 hrs
Welcome and opening of meeting
- Welcome - Welcome Rossano Thompson, Senior Programme Management Assistant, Caribbean Knowledge Management Centre (CKMC), ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- Opening of the meeting - Welcome Remarks Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- Welcome remarks - Nigel Cassimire, Deputy Secretary-General & Head of Regional Policy Development, Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)
1020 hrs – 1050 hrs
Presentation of study: “Measuring the digital society to advance digital inclusion in the Caribbean” -
- Dale Alexander, Chief, CKMC, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean; and
- Lika Døhl Diouf, Associate Programme Management Officer, CKMC, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
1050 hrs – 1100 hrs
Open discussion on methodology -
- Facilitator: Lika Døhl Diouf, Associate Programme Management Officer, CKMC, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
1100 hrs – 1105 hrs
Short Break
Subregional Headquarters and Offices:
Subregional Headquarters, Port of SpainRelated Links:
Organizing institution:
ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- http://www.cepal.org/en/headquarters-and-offices/eclac-caribbean
- (868)224-8000