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Expert Group Meeting: Inclusive and Equitable Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic

13 August 2021|Event

This expert group meeting discusses the ECLAC study 'Education during the COVID-19 pandemic: access, inclusion, and psychosocial support'.


Child studying online
Online education

Information was gathered in order to evaluate the impacts of school closures on students, with a particular focus on the psychosocial dimensions of remote learning, access, and barriers to education for children from vulnerable and marginalized groups. Information was gathered about the measures implemented by MoEs and schools, and the needs of students and their families. These activities were conducted from October to December 2020. The information was used to identify best practices, lessons learned and to shape recommendations on how to build resilience in the education system and a more inclusive and equitable post-pandemic education system.

This study synthesizes the main results and conclusions of the research. Chapter I provides more information on the research methods and data collection. Chapter II analyses the impact of COVID-19 on primary and secondary education in the Caribbean, including the mitigation measures and the measures for school reopening. Chapter III focuses on mental health and psychosocial impacts and response measures. Chapter IV address the needs of students with disabilities, migrant and refugee students, and indigenous children and young persons, including the educational impact of COVID-19 and policies for marginalized students. Chapter V summarizes the main conclusions and policy recommendations, drawing attention to opportunities for innovation.

09.30 – 9.40 a.m.

Opening of the meeting
Welcome remarks
Diane Quarless, Director ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean

9.40 – 10.15 a.m.

Access to education in the context of COVID-19
Francis Jones, Population Affairs Officer, ECLAC
Latoya Swaby-Anderson, National Programme Officer, Education, UNESCO Office for the Caribbean

10.15 – 10.50 a.m.

Mental health impacts and psychosocial support services
Malaka Parker, consultant, ECLAC
Juanita Brathwaite, Senior Psychologist, Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, Barbados
Llewellyn Simmons, Director of Academics, Ministry of Education, Bermuda

10.50 – 11.25 a.m.

Inclusion of students from marginalized groups
Pablo Alfaro, consultant, ECLAC
Marcellus Taylor, Director of Education, Ministry of Education, Bahamas

11:25 – 11.30 a.m.

Laurette Bristol, Programme Manager, Human Resource Department, CARICOM Secretariat