Caribbean experts will meet in Saint Lucia on Sunday 15 March 2015, to discuss strategies for implementing the Sids Accelerated Modalities for Action (SAMOA) Pathway in the region.
Event information
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Discussions will include consideration of a strategic alignment of the Pathway with the Sustainable Development goals being considered within the framework of the Post 2015 Development Agenda.
Known as the “SIDS Accelerated Modalities for Action”, the SAMOA Pathway is the outcome document of the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which was held in Apia, Samoa from 1-4 September 2014. Approved by the United Nations, this intergovernmental agreement serves as the blueprint for the SIDS’ approach to addressing their continuing sustainable development challenges.
The meeting will focus on priority elements in the SAMOA Pathway for the Caribbean, and on a proposal for strategic alignment of the Pathway with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda, which will be formally approved by the United Nations General Assembly in September this year.
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Caribbean experts to discuss Samoa Pathway implementation
Caribbean experts will meet in Saint Lucia on Sunday 15 March 2015, to discuss strategies for implementing the Sids Accelerated Modalities for Action (SAMOA) Pathway in the region.
Subregional Headquarters and Offices:
Subregional Headquarters, Port of SpainRelated Links:
Organizing institution:
ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- (868)224-8000