9.00-9.30 am
Registration of participants
9.30-9.35 am
State Anthem
9.35-10 am
Opening remarks
Mr. Didier Trebucq, UN Resident Coordinator for Barbados and the OECS [tbc]
Mr. Joseluis Samaniego, Director, Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, ECLAC
Hon. Samantha Marshall, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs, Government of Antigua and Barbuda
10-11 am
The Escazú Agreement: leaving no one behind
- Context and synergies with the 2030 Agenda, Multilateral Environmental Agreements and other international processes (Carlos de Miguel, ECLAC)
- Overview of content, implications and future steps (David Barrio Lamarche, ECLAC)
- The role of the public in promoting effective implementation of the Escazú Agreement (Karetta CrooksCharles, Saint Lucia National Trust, alternate elected representative of the public, Saint Lucia)
11-11.15 am
Coffee break
Regional framework and compared experiences
- Environmental access rights in the framework of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS Commission)
- The implementation of environmental access rights in the Caribbean: practical examples (Danielle Andrade, attorneyat-law, elected representative of the public, Jamaica)
- The public awareness process of the Escazú Agreement in Saint Lucia (Kate Wilson, Department of Sustainable Development, Government of Saint Lucia)
Towards the effective implementation of the Escazú Agreement in Antigua and Barbuda
- Featured address: Senator Maureen HymanPayne, Minister of State, Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs, Government of Antigua and Barbuda
- Presentations by local community groups
- Challenges, priorities, needs and opportunities: Open discussion among participants
Conclusions and closing remarks