Work area(s)
ECLAC is interested in compiling points of view, experiences, and proposals from Caribbean countries regarding their main challenges. Caribbean states are highly vulnerably due to the financial indebtedness and climate change and must receive adequate support, including through concessional funding and reestablishment of the liquidity they need. Thus, ECLAC wants to highlight the importance of these countries and focus its activities regarding the concept of “Caribbean first”.
Event information

Event type
In these lines, the Natural Resources Division at ECLAC is gathering the opinion of Caribbean countries, regarding their water priorities. For this, the deadline to answer the Open Consultation has been extended and is now available until October 30, 2022.
We invite you to fill out this form, which we hope will not take more than 5 minutes.
Here, the intention is to collect contributions from non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector, NGOs, and other stakeholders located or working in the Caribbean or in English-speaking countries of the region.
The inputs will be valuable for the mid-term review of the International Decade for Action, "Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2028" and the 2023 United Nations Water Conference.