Brazil: Financial Inclusion of Small Businesses Seminar



Under the auspices of ECLAC, Sebrae organized a seminar on financial inclusion of small and medium enterprises, which was attended by nearly 50 professionals. For ECLAC, the seminar was an opportunity to present the results and broaden the discussion of its project on "Financial inclusion of SMEs and innovation policies of development banks,” particularly focusing on the case study of Brazil that was debated with strategic partners from the country. The new Sebrae investigation on SME financing was also presented and discussed at the seminar.

Event information

Evento Seminario CEPAL SEBRAE



Event type:

Meetings and technical symposiums


14:30- 15:00    Considerações iniciais  

15:00-16:00     Apresentação do Relatório de Inclusão Financeira no Brasil.

16:00-16:30    Debate

  • Moderador: Sr. Alexandre Comin , Gerente Unidade de Acesso a Serviços Financeiros (UASF) do SEBRAE Nacional

16:30-17:00     Apresentação da Pesquisa Financiamento das MPEs  2017

17:00-17:30     Debate

  • Moderador: Sr. Pio Cortizo, Gerente da Unidade de Gestão Estratégica (UGE) SEBRAE Nacional

17:30-17:45     Considerações finais e encerramento do evento

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