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Twenty-ninth session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

6 May 2002|Event

The twenty-ninth session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was held in Brasilia, Brazil, from 6 to 10 May 2002. At the twenty-eighth session of ECLAC (held in Mexico, D.F. from 3 to 7 April 2000), in resolution 584(XXVIII) the member states accepted the offer of the Government of Brazil to host the following session. This was later approved by the Economic and Social Council in resolution 2000/8.

1. Election of officers
2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of the work of the twenty-ninth session
3. Latin America and the Caribbean in an era of globalization
4. Report on the activities of the Commission since the twenty-eighth session
5. Draft programme of work of the ECLAC system, 2004-2005
6. Proposed calendar of conferences of ECLAC for the period 2002-2004
7. Some recent resolutions and decisions adopted by United Nations organs which should be brought to the attention of the Commission
8. Ad Hoc Committee on Population and Development
9. Presiding Officers of the Regional Council for Planning of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES)
10. Committee on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries and Regions
11. High-level seminar on Latin America and the Caribbean in an era of globalization
12. Other matters
13. Consideration and adoption of the resolutions of the twenty-ninth session

Annotated provisional agenda and organization of the twenty-ninth session
High-Level Seminar. Preliminary Programme (pdf, 21 Kb.)
Seminaire de haut niveau. Programme préliminaire (pdf, 21 Kb.)
Provisional Schedule (pdf 88 Kb.)
General Information (471 Kb.)
Resolutions of the XXIX Session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Report of the ad hoc working group established pursuant to resolution 553(XXVI)
ECLAC programme performance report for the biennium 2000-2001
Draft programme of work of the ECLAC system, 2004-2005
Proposed ECLAC calendar of conferences for the period 2002-2004
Some recent resolutions and decisions adopted by United Nations organs which should be brought to the attention of the Commission
Committee on cooperation among developing countries and regions. Provisional agenda
Committee on cooperation among developing countries and regions. Annotated provisional agenda
ECLAC sessional ad hoc committee on population and development. Provisional agenda
ECLAC sessional ad hoc committee on population and development. Annotated provisional agenda. CELADE
Socio-demographic vulnerability: Old and new risks for communities, households and individuals. Summary and conclusions. CELADE
Report on the activities of the Commission since April 2000
Globalization and Development
Globalization and Development. Summary

Practical information

Hotel Blue Tree Park
Direction: SHTN Trecho 01 conj. 1B Bloco C
Brasilia DF, Brasil
Postal direction: 70.800-200

Web Page
Speeches of the Twenty-ninth session of ECLAC
Presentation of the Twenty-ninth session of ECLAC

Other links
ECLAC Office in Brasilia (in Portuguese)