Press Release
Sunday November 21, 2010
10:00 to 15:00 hours Entrance
Registration of participants
15:00 to 19:00 hours Meeting of the Delegations Chiefs and representatives of eLAC member countries
Monday November 22, 2010 / Room 1
9:00 to9:30 hours Inauguration of the III Ministerial Conference about the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean
Message from the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Ms. Alicia Bárcena
Message of the President of Peru, Alan García
9:30 to 10:00 hours Coffee
10:15 to 11:00 hours Election of Officers and adoption of the meeting agenda
11:30 to 13:00 hours Primer panel: Presentaciones de CEPAL y países
- ECLAC Presentation (Information Society: region challenges), Mario Cimoli, DPPE Director
- Minister of Transport and Communications of Peru, Mr. Enrique Cornejo Ramírez
- Minister de la Casa Civil of Brazil, Mrs. Erenice Guerra
- Minister of Science and Technology of Costa Rica, Ms. Clotilde Fonseca; Minister of Communications and Transportation of Mexico, Juan Molinar Horcasitas
- Minister of Public Administration of Trinidad and Tobago, Mrs. Nan Ramgoolam.
15:00 to 17:00 hours Second Panel: Broadband Universalization
- Vice-Minister of Communications of Peru, Mr. Jorge Luis Cuba Hidalgo
- Coordinator of the National Broadband Plan of Brazil, Mr. César Alvarez
- REGULATEL President
- Regional Dialogue on the Information Society, Mr. Hernán Galperín
- Cisco System Representative
17:00 to 19:00 hours Third panel: ICT and Education
- Executive Director of the Strategic Planning Unit of Education, Presidency of the Argentinean Republic Nation, Mr. Juan Carlos Tedesco
- Undersecretary of Education and Culture of Uruguay, Mrs. Maria Simon
- General Secretary of the Andean Community of Nations, Mr. Adalid Contreras Baspineiro
- General Secretary of the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education and Culture (OEI), Alvaro Marchesi
- INTEL Director
15:00 to 19:00 hours Meeting of the Delegations Chiefs and representatives of eLAC member countries (Room 2 )
20:00 hours Welcome cocktail offered by the Government of Peru
Tuesday November 23, 2010
9:00 to 11:00 hours Fourth Panel: Innovation, ICT and productive sector (Room 1)
- Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia
- Undersecretary for Small and Medium Enterprises, Economy Secretary of Mexico, Mr. Miguel Maron Manzur
- Brazil BNDES, Sr. Joao Ferraz
- Costa Rica Minister
- ECLAC, Sr. Giovanni Stumpo
11:00 to 13:00 hours Fifth panel: E-government to the service of the citizens and in the interests of transparency
- Digital Development of Chile Executive Secretary, Mr. Alfredo Barriga
- ONGEI Chief of Peru, Mr. Jaime Honores Coronado
- Barbados, Ministry of the Civil Service
- OEA-RedGEALC, Mr. Miguel Porrúa
9:00 to 11:00 hours Meeting of the Delegations Chiefs and representatives of eLAC member countries (Room 2)
13:00 to 14:00 hours Room 3 IDRC Side event (Canada)
- Research, Public Policy and Information Society
- Moderator: Fernando Perini, IDRC
15:00 to 16:30 hours Sixth panel: ICT and Health (Room 1)
- Minister of Health of Brazil, Mr. José Gomes Temporao
- Secretary of Health of Mexico, Mr. José Angel Córdova Villalobos
- Director of Quality Agency of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy of Spain, Mr. Javier Carnicero
- Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Mr. Marcelo D'Agostino
- World Bank
16:30 to 18:00 hours Seventh panel: Policies for the Information Society
- 2.0 Digital Agenda of Peru Director
- ICT Colombia Plan Director
- DG INFSO of the European Union
- Korea
19:00 hours Adoption of the Declaration of Lima and closure