ECLAC Notes Nº 79

| ECLAC Notes




photo natural resources

ECLAC Promotes Better Governance of Natural Resources to Maximize their Contribution to Regional Development

Latin America and the Caribbean has had difficulty translating boom periods for exports into long-term growth processes.

La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, Alicia Bárcena, junto a la Canciller de Perú, Eda Rivas

Lima Will Host ECLAC's Next Session

The regional United Nations organization will issue a new position paper that will give continuity to the last two reports, focused on equality.

In focus:


Study Analyzes the Viability of Expanding the Latin American Reserve Fund to Other Countries in the Region

2014-03-05 12:00:00 UTC - News

This kind of institution provides financing to manage external shocks and currency crises, thereby contributing to financial stability, ECLAC says.

planning repository

Repository Will Systematize the Region's Planning Information

2014-03-05 12:00:00 UTC - News

This tool, which is being developed by ECLAC, will gather in one place documents issued by Latin American and Caribbean countries.

paneles solares

ECLAC Publishes Three Studies Analyzing Cities' Responses to Climate Change

2014-03-05 12:00:00 UTC - News

Only a limited number of Latin American cities have climate strategies and plans, one of the documents says.

Headquarters and offices:


Climate Change Could Prompt a Drop of up to 50% in Central America's Basic Grains Production

2014-03-05 12:00:00 UTC - News

ECLAC launches a study about the negative impact of global warming on the sub-region’s food security.


Thirty Years after the Debt Crisis, the Region Has Better and Cheaper Access to International Bond Markets

2014-03-05 12:00:00 UTC - News

ECLAC study reviews the evolution of external financing of Latin America and the Caribbean since 1982.


Public-Private Partnerships for Inclusive Development in Latin America

2014-03-05 12:00:00 UTC - Article

A new equation between State, market and civil society is required, says Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, in this opinion article (published in ECLAC Notes Nº 79, March 2014).